Monday, November 17, 2008

Leaves Update

I am adding to my last post but it requires a post all its own. I was complaining about the leaves in my last post and how my yard was a magnet for all things falling from any tree. Anyway, we came home yesterday from church and all of the leaves were gone! My mouth dropped open because I hadn't seen the grass in my front yard for a while. It was such a big contrast compared to how we had left it three hours earlier. I know my neighbor doesn't read my blog but maybe he felt sorry for the pregnant mommy next door whose husband is out of town way too much for this time of year. Our neighbor owns a landscaping business so I think he had the equipment to do it quickly but very thoughtful nonetheless. We are gone for over three hours to church as well. What a nice gift to us and it wasn't even his tree that had given us all the leaves in the first place. I haven't had a random act of kindness done like this for me for a while and just reminds me I should be on the lookout for more opportunities myself to do unto others.

Thank you neighbor!

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