Friday, October 15, 2010

Books (note the other three posts)

My husband has a memory book from when he was a child and it is called, "My First Eight Years, a Record of the LDS Child". It is a great book that includes the usual pages to record milestones and important dates. But it also includes pages for important Latter-Day Saint milestones like baptism and Primary. I wanted to recreate something like it for my own children since they don't make books like that anymore. Thanks to the help of my friend, Carrie, I finally finished them and now I just need to fill in the important stuff. I am so happy with them. Carrie is brilliant at the computer and creating things like that so I definitely couldn't have done it without her. Three cheers for Carrie!! I gave up on scrapbooking some time ago so Anna is the only one with a scrapbook of the first year of her life. I hope this a simpler way to record all the important stuff and I won't get so far behind.
There is a page for geneology.

There is also a page to record who was the prophet at the time of their birth along with the counselors and Quorum of the Twelve. I love it and hope to be a little better at recording important things in the lives of my children.


Andrea Olsen said...

Oh goodness! I would LOVE to see this in order to make one of my own!!

Miss L said...

You are amazingly crafty...between this and the chairs, I'm just in awe. Your kids will LOVE these books when they get older. :)