Sunday, January 24, 2010

Happy New Year!

It is still January so I am squeezing in a post to wish you all a Happy New Year! We have been busy and trying to stay warm. The temperature has steadily stayed above freezing for almost a week now and all that dirty snow is gone! We anxiously await spring so we can spend some quality time outside.

Anna is enjoying school and did not like the fact that the schools were closed for a whole week after Christmas vacation. (Mommy wasn't too happy about that either.) She rides the bus to and from school now and has become friends with the bus driver, Mabel. The bus even picks her and her friend up in front of our house so Mommy doesn't even have to leave the house. Anna loves to read and tested at a second grade level of reading last month. A couple months ago she even participated in a special reading of "The sky is Falling" and she played the mouse. She has been especially helpful at home too. Sometimes when a babysitter is here for the night, Anna is the only one that can comfort Jacob. She takes her role as a big sister very seriously.

Megan is a Sunbeam now in Primary. She does so good and doesn't hesitate to go into Primary and take her seat every Sunday. She loves to sing the songs and be in the same room with Anna for part of the time. She is having fun at preschool too. Last week the lesson on hibernation was especially interesting to her and she came home and told me all about the snakes, frogs, and turtles that hibernate during the winter.

Jacob is everywhere and into everything. He will be walking before too long and would spend his whole day going up and down our stairs if I let him. He is a lot of fun until he sinks his teeth into your closest body part, so watch out! His favorite pastimes include waiting for the refridgerator or dishwasher to be opened so he can play on them.

Love these kids!


Dan said...

Eli is a biter too. Arm, face, you name it. Whenever I put him up on my shoulders he tries to take a bite out of my head!

ramblin said...

Thanks for the update, sis. I miss those kids.