Sunday, September 27, 2009


I am a little behind on my posts. Megan did start preschool at the beginning of September. I think she enjoys it for the most part. The teacher reports to me that she is participating but prefers to watch the other kids play inside and outside she does great. I think she will get use to it more and more. She is so use to Anna taking over and telling her what to play and how to play it. Now she has the chance to play by herself but doesn't know how to start. Sometimes she will bring home projects if they involve cutting or glueing but one day she came home with an unfinished project. The teacher attached a note saying, "Megan chose not to paint today". What the note meant to say was that Megan refused to put a smock on over her clothes, socks on her arms(to protect her sleeves), and paint with a toothbrush (they were talking about teeth and hygiene that day). It was all too foreign to her and she wasn't ready to try something new.

One day last week a policeman came to the preschool to talk about safety. I would have loved to have been a "fly on the wall", sort to speak, and watch her during the presentation. She preceded to come home and tell everyone about how important it was to wear a helmet when biking and a seat belt when in the car.

1 comment:

What's up with the Walkers! said...

Sounds like fun! Ashlyn is also in Preschool, and I would love to just sneak in and watch how she is at school some days! We need to meet up sometime....