Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Happy New Year!

A new year was quietly brought in here at the Shaw household. We celebrated it by letting the girls stay up and watch "The Jungle Book". I forgot how much I love that movie. Anna and I are still quoting the vultures at the end of the movie in our best British accent:

(1st vulture) "So what are we going to do?"
(2nd vulture)"Uh, I don't know what do you want to do?"
(1st vulture) "Now don't start that again!"
A five-year-old's best British accent sounds a little hillbilly, but funny nonetheless. We made a pallet of blankets on the floor with extra pillows for me, the pregnant mama. We snacked on popcorn, a juice and soda combo drink, and cookies on a stick. Anna had been begging to make the cookies on a stick all week after spotting the recipe in a cookbook for kids that Aunt Amy sent for Christmas. As you can see from the picture, the cookies were almost as big as their heads! My kind of new year's eve, eating good snacks with my favorite little people!
Happy New Year!


ramblin said...

The little party animals! They stayed up later than we did. Glad you guys had so much fun.

Unknown said...

I miss them already! They are truly the best kids and a joy to be around!!! ~Aunt Krystal

Colton Anne said...

How fun with cookies on a stick...you'll have to send that recipe my way!