Pizza-making fun for Anna's birthday party! She turns eight today and she had a fun party. We only do parties every other year so this is a party year. The girls showed me their best pizza dough tossing skills and then they each created a personal pizza. Their skills were of course improved by the poofy, white hats and silly black moustaches. Anna helped sew the aprons for each girl to take home. We completed the menu with lemon cake and ice cream. We also had beautiful weather so some of the party was spent outside.
We love our Anna and we our so glad she is ours. Eight is a special age and she has chosen to be baptized. The date is set for November 12th. Her teacher had nothing but excellent things to say about her in parent/teacher conference. Anna's reading skills are way above the second grade level too. She scored a 787 and the second grade reading level is 300-600 on the Lexile scale.
Eight is off to a good start.